Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Hi, I'm Colin Heim and this is my second year here at San Jose State; I am a transfer from Cabrillo College (a junior college located in Aptos, CA). I am an Animation/Illustration major here at SJSU. I really enjoy doing any sort of thing that is crafty. Also, I love learning new things. In the past, I have taken Biological Anthropology, Printmaking, Psychology, Public Speaking, Acting for Beginners, Contemporary Theatre, Modeling, and many others. I am currently taking ANI 12 (Beginning Drawing, Lighting, Perspective), ANI 55 (Figure Drawing), ANI 113A (Painting), RTVF 111 (Alternative Cinema), and PHYS 123 (Physics of Animation). Upon graduating I hope to land an animation job at a place like Dreamworks or Pixar. Below are some things that I have done. I am disappointed that I can't share my animation tests and 30 second short here; however you can see them here on my other blog: 30 Second Short and Pencil Tests. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The First Post

Hello, and welcome to my Physics of Animation Homework Blog. I am a transfer student and this is my second year here at San Jose State. I love to creatively think outside-of-the-box. I enjoy being social and love to learn things from anybody. I'm looking forward to take this class as I love to learn, especially since this information will be quite useful, being that this is something that you'll be using in the industry all of the time. I hope that this will be a Great Semester!